Time Governing Everyday Life: Why it Matters More Than We Think
Time is that aspect of our lives that determines everything around us, whether we are conscious of it or not. The ticking clock marks the timing for meeting deadlines, be it in the most unusual manner, right from the moment when we wake up from our bed. Our emotions, decisions, and even relationships come under its authority, as we cherish memories of the past, plan for the future, and try to find meaning in the present. Time can be like a good friend when we’re having a great time or a wicked enemy when we are trying to beat a deadline. Our entire approach to life flows around this intangible force. But what if we were suddenly freed from it?
If it is just going to stop permanently, all the structures of society will collapse. Calendars and clocks will lose their purpose. There will neither be yesterday nor tomorrow; instead, it is always now. All governments, economies, and scientific progress will come to a standstill because all those things are based on the passage of time. Our existence will evaporate into nothingness because who we are is in close connection with what has happened and what we dream for the future.